Exciting News: MT-RSR Now Offers Mobile Air Conditioning Service Equipment from MAHLE!
Mobile Air Conditioning Service Equipment
MT-RSR is happy to announce we are now able to supply Mobile Air Conditioning Service Equipment through the international powerhouse MAHLE. Founded in headquartered in Germany, MAHLE has spent the last century homing in and refining their craft. MAHLE designs, produces, and distributes a variety of equipment, tools, parts, and services into the automotive industry as a whole. Today, we will be focusing on MAHLE’s superior Air Conditioning Refrigerant Handling Systems. These machines offer your shop or customers the ultimate in high-end refrigerant recycling machines.
A major contributor to ozone depletion and toxic air pollution are hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), and other human-made halogenated gases. An enormous source of these is uncontained refrigerant gases that have been vented into the atmosphere.
Mobile Air Conditioning Service Equipment

To reduce the amount of uncontained refrigerant gas that is able to leave a mobile (or stationary) air conditioning unit, sophisticated Refrigerant Handling Systems were devised and distributed into the North American and Global markets. Since the beginning of this, MAHLE has been at the forefront in terms of Refrigerant Handling System technology, ease of use, and environmental safety. Although initially quite rudimentary, MAHLE’s modern systems such as the ArcticPRO ACX2280 feature state-of-the-art user interfaces, remote session monitoring, automated oil management system, and Wi-Fi based troubleshooting via a MAHLE certified technician. The unit is also able to be equipped with an optional thermal printer, allowing you to easily print service reports to share with customers or others in the shop. This unit is designed to be used with vehicles equipped with R1234YF type refrigerant. R1234YF is the new standard for mobile air conditioning refrigerant, as the European Union and United States have both required automakers to utilize R1234YF in lieu of the former standard R134F.




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