Revolutionize Medium-Duty Truck Wheel Balancing with MT-RSR’s LCM Ultra System

Are you struggling to balance wheels for 1-Ton trucks, Class 4 or 5 vehicles, and other medium duty trucks? Look no further with MT-RSR’s LCM Ultra Wheel Balancing system. Designed to work with any wheel balancer with a 40mm shaft, the LCM Ultra effortlessly converts your standard wheel balancer into a balancer able to accept all the way up to a 10 x 225mm Ford Wheel.

Using recommended techniques from major OEMs, as well as innovative new technology, the LCM Ultra system is a necessary addition to any shop that services ½ Ton, ¾ Ton, 1 Ton, and larger trucks.

The LCM Ultra system uses multiple patent-pending components designed by a world-renowned expert in the wheel balancing field. The LCM Ultra system features 3 proprietary “Ultra Collets”, for wheels with center bores between 4.5” and 6.7”. 

The LCM CenTor Plate included with the system affixes to your balancers spindle hub, and effectively extends the balancers existing spindle hub spring, allowing the collet to always properly engage with your wheel hub. Specially designed spring-loaded studs ensure that the LCM Ultra system never binds when installed onto a wheel, allowing a precise and repeatable balance every time. These spring-loaded studs are recommended by most major truck manufacturers to increase the quality of your balance. Color-coded labels and a handy application chart expediate your service and prevent trial-and-error during the balancing process.

This system can be used with whatever existing wingnut you have, or auto-clamping handle if your balancer is equipped with one.

22-lcm-40AutomotiveinnovationClass4trucksClass5trucksFordtrucksHeavydutybalancingLcmultraMechanictoolsMt-rsrMt-rsr lcm ultra md wheel balancing systemOemrecommendedPrecisionbalancingShopequipmentSuspensionserviceTireshopTruckbalancingTruckservicetoolsUltracolletsWheelalignmentWheelbalancerWheelbalancing

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